Do-It-Yourself Wood Restoration Made Simple!

Restore-A-Deck Stain & Wood Prep Testimonials

by RAD Products

We would love for our customers to post a testimonial and a few pictures that are finished with the Restore-A-Deck Wood Stain and Prepping Products. Please include a short description and the RAD product(s) used to prep the wood and the stain color. There is a link to upload photos in the bottom right corner of the comment area.

Please include:

Restore-A-Deck Stain Color Used:

Restore-A-Deck Prepping Products used:

Was the Restore-A-Deck Stain Applied the Same Day as Prep? Yes or No:

Wood Type:

For more awesome pictures of the RAD 3-Step Process, see our 2018 Contest: Restore-A-Deck 2018 Contest

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RAD Products Owner
Scott only carries wood deck stains and wood restoration products that perform best based on his experience using the products and his 30+ years of helping others. Scott has been approached about selling numerous restoration products through the years but selects only the products he has used and trusts to perform.
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5 years ago

I have a very long deck and I’m planning my best procedure. How do I stain without getting the stopping and starting marks? I’m assuming I’ll have to stop to pick up more stain as I go along because the length is so long I won’t be able to do it in one long sweep.

Mike S
Mike S
6 years ago

Used the 3-step process for my deck. Turned out awesome!

Step 1 Deck Cleaner
Step 2 Brightener
Step 3 RAD Stain in Cedar

This was a 10+ year-old dock, never been stained.

Alex D
Alex D
6 years ago

I did the deck in one day. Over 500SF, plus spindles and a seating area. All-in, I’d guess 600+ SF of area. I started in the morning, around 9am. Finished stripping & brightening by 12-12:30pm. Began staining at 3:30pm, finished staining around 7:30pm. Long day.

I used:
– RAD Stripper, brightener, stain
– Wood staining brush
– Pole to attach to wood staining brush
– Wooster Bravo Stainer 4″ brush for spindles and seating area (
– small plastic bucket for stain and 4″ brush
– plastic paint tray for dipping wood staining brush into stain
– a 2 gallon hand pump sprayer for stripper & brightener
– a plastic bucket and funnel (mixed stripper & brightener in the bucket, stirred, and then poured via funnel into the hand pump sprayer to avoid clogged lines in hand pump sprayer)
– power washer to a) initially loosen & remove chunks of dirt prior to applying stripper, and b) to remove/rinse off stipper & brightener

6 years ago

The color used is the Restore A Deck Dark Walnut. Prepped with the RAD Cleaner and the Wood Brightener.

6 years ago

Ontario Canada. RAD light walnut. RAD Stripped and Brightened. PT wood Floor boards 15 years old. Rails 4 years old. AMAZING PRODUCT!

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